Gartner CIO & IT Executive Summit 2026
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(1 avis)lundi, 11 mai 2020 - 14 mai 2020 (4 jours), Toronto, Canada
Informations générales
Date: du 11 mai 2020 au 14 mai 2020 (4 jours)
Lieu Beanfield Centre, Toronto, Canada
Organisateur Gartner
Nombre de visiteurs attendus : 5000
The Gartner CIO and IT Executive Summit was intended to enable CIOs and IT pioneers to adjust to the majority of the quick paced changes in the regularly changing digital world. It highlights many best industry pioneers and will show you how to apply digital business ideas to certifiable situations, how to incorporate that hypothesis, approaches to make agility within the undertaking, and how to best deal with the best digital ability. It will likewise feature front line advancements, applications, and methodologies. The 2019 occasion will cover subjects like: Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Culture and People, Security and Risk, Blockchain, Future of Work, Data and Analytics,... Digital Transformation, and Customer Experience. Voir plus
Notes et avis
Faut-il aller à Gartner CIO & IT Executive Summit ? Découvrez ce qu'en pensent les visiteurs et exposants des éditions précédentes.
intervenant / speaker
29 juillet 2019
It was fantastic to be included as a central part of this event as a keynote speaker. As always a pleasure to catch up with EXP friends and their clients.
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Visiteurs et participants
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maroua m.
Adel Z.
Mark B.
intervenant / speaker
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