
GameXpo 2019

vendredi, 15 novembre 2019 - 17 nov. 2019  (3 jours), HelsinkiFinlande

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Date : de 15 nov. 2019 à 17 nov. 2019 ( 3 jours)

Lieu Messukeskus Helsinki Expo and Convention CentreHelsinkiFinlande

Organisateur Messukeskus

Nombre de participants attendus : 31000

Nombre d'exposants attendus : 300

Avis et notes

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Sebastian S.
Sebastian S.



15 novembre 2019

Trying something new, a GameXpo with no games!
I have to say I was rather surprised that the GameXpo had almost no games to try! No indies, No Sony, no Nintendo, no Xbox, no anything! There was a half a dozen stores selling game related items but studios showing off anything new. 3 Esports stages where you could watch people play Counter Strike, PubG and Some hockey game. Save yourself €20 and watch those on Youtube. Given the massive amount of space they had available they could have invited some Indie studios to show off their warez but they decided to go with empty space instead. There was a lot of empty space. Hard pass on next years event, if it even happens after this years showing.En savoir plus

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Regarde qui va à GameXpo

Sebastian Selvarajan

Sebastian S.

Game enthusiast


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