Date: May 17, 2022 (1 day)
Venue Egypt International Exhibitions Centre, Nasr City, Egypt
Organizer Tresconglobal
Expected number of attendees : 500
World Cloud Summit Egypt 27 Oct 2021. EXPLORING THE VERSATILITY AND POWER OF CLOUD SOLUTIONS IN EGYPT'S ECONOMY Navigating the push for Cloud digital transformation in Egypt as one of its primary essences through core data strategies in a bid to further the next phases of cloud adoption for the natio ABOUT WORLD CLOUD SHOW World Cloud Show is a thought-leadership-driven, business-focused, global series of events that takes place in strategic locations across the world. As part of the world tour, the Egypt edition is gathering pre-qualified CIOs, CTOs, COOs, Heads of Cloud, Heads of IT Infrastructure, DevOps Leaders, Heads of Digital Transformation/Innovation and Experts in Cloud Compu...ting among others from cross-industry verticals across Egypt. WHY EGYPT? The government of Egypt is focusing on expanding the data cluster in the country. The Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), has planned to build a giant Data centre cluster, which will be established at the 60,000 m2 Borg El Arab Technology Park, and will serve as a focal point for both East and West of the country. This data cluster will be completed in partnership with various technology leaders such as CloudFare, Giza Systems, Bright Computing, among other companies. This will open new opportunities for the growth of the cloud computing market in Egypt. The cloud services market size was valued at USD 264.80 billion in 2019, and is projected to reach USD 927.51 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 16.4 per cent from 2020 to 2027. Source:Market ResearchRead more
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David B.
Chargé de mission du centre international des Formations en droits humains et développement
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