Date: Nov 6, 2020 (1 day)
Venue La Grande Crypte, Paris, France
Organizer Web2business by One Place Associates
Expected number of attendees : 600
Expected number of exhibitors : 40
Web2business is a private and exclusive event that gathers important decision-makers from the retail and ecommerce industry. The entire day is animated with debates, conferences, one-to-one business meeting and networking sessions which makes it very rich in terms of content. In total, you will meet more than 400 qualified professionals and 40 exclusive partners that come to present their innovation. The big names in the world of ecommerce come every year to attend the event.
Reviews and ratings
Should you go to Web2Business? Read verified reviews by Tradefest members to help you decide.
![irene Z.](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(80)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/256x0/tradefest/users/tztqnn8ulh0cwy2jkepa)
November 14, 2018
to meet (organized) with the world's leading digital, retail, industry and luxury leaders. This is the most beautiful event on digital for the final leaders.
![irene Z.](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(80)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/256x0/tradefest/users/tztqnn8ulh0cwy2jkepa)
October 30, 2018
WEB2BUSINESS is the event that brings together the world's greatest leaders for years. I would not miss it for any reason. ONE PLACE is a great company
See who's going to Web2Business
![serge matile](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(80)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/256x0/serge-matile-q1kieu)
serge m.
![Jean philippe Bourgeois](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(80)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/256x0/Jean philippe-Bourgeois-9biwuw)
Jean philippe B.
![Xavier Bondel](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(80)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/256x0/Xavier-Bondel-imrjjn)
Xavier B.
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