Datum: von 21. Apr. 2025 bis 27. Apr. 2025 ( 7 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Meknès, Maroc, Maroc
Veranstalter SIAM
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 850000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 1365
Despite the connections by innovative means of communication, meetings remain the most decisive mean. SIAM remains an accelerator and a facilitator for an even more intense commercial dynamic! Works to optimize the repercussions and spin-offs, particularly economic - Boost your sales turnover. Indeed, SIAM is the best place to sell and promote products to the multitude of visitors. During 6 days no less than 850,000 visitors come to the exhibition. - Strengthen your positioning on the market. Meet professionals from around the world and make your name and projects known. In fact, SIAM is a huge space for exchanges and connections. To participate in the exhibition is also to be on one of ...the largest media platforms for agriculture in Africa. It is therefore a great opportunity to be seen and known nationally and internationally. To exhibit at SIAM is to participate in the development of the agricultural sector in Morocco and Africa. It is to strengthen the influence of the Kingdom as a regional actor. Numbers speak for themselves: with a loyalty rate of over 85% and an increase of 20% in participation in the international hub, SIAM is a success. Mehr lesen
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Karima H.
Engineer in food technology
rehah o.
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