IPM Essen 2026
3.6 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 23. Januar 2024 - 26. Jan. 2024 (4 Tage), Germany, Germany
Datum: von 23. Jan. 2024 bis 26. Jan. 2024 ( 4 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort MESSE ESSEN , Germany, Germany
Veranstalter Messe Essen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 53000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 1550
IPM Essen is the worldwide leading event and trade show for horticulture, ornamental plants and flowers.
Rezensionen und Bewertungen
Sollten Sie auf IPM Essen gehen? Lesen Sie verifizierte Bewertungen von Tradefest-Mitgliedern, um Ihre Entscheidung zu erleichtern.
10. Dezember 2020
IPM Essen has many benefits for growers and buyers.
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28. April 2020
I worked for two companies to bring more relevant subjects on the stand. Thé way of giving trade fairs value is make more contact with more people of the right subgroup. As you know they walk on pathw...ays. So don’t wait till they come in. Challenge them to ... Find them!! But how? For one company in hall 8 it was hard to find the right targetgroup on that standspot. For the other company we got 3x more leads in one day compared to their other 4 days. For them they brought much more effort out of a better strategy plan. If you like to know how we managed this of course you can contact me. Viktor Luttikholt Stop-contact.com Mehr lesen
28. April 2020
IPM Essen was a great trade fair with a lot of good conversations.
13. April 2020
You should consider the proportion of online and IPM exhibitions.
27. März 2020
Taxi quewing is still a problem. IPM should warn the taxi companies when to que up.
18. März 2020
We were in the Coir Bussiness from 2009. Once We joined with IPM in 2016, Bussiness itselft started a new bloom with new more trusted customers, Because most of our existing customers are visiting and... exhibiting there.... Great pavilion to meet all together every year. So we were there for last five years..and for next years too Mehr lesen
16. März 2020
We are going to apply also for next year. Best exhibition in Europe
7 Ergebnisse • Seite 1 von 1
Sehen Sie, wer auf IPM Essen geht
Djamel Y.
Administrateur réseau informatique
aalou l.
purchasing manager
Razak A.
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