Lisbon Tourism Summit 2026
2.3 / 5
(3 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 16. November 2021 (1 Tag), Portugal, Portugal
Datum: 16. Nov. 2021 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Academia de Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal, Portugal
Veranstalter Beta-i
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 300
The Lisbon Tourism Summit is a jam packed one day event that touches on themes like innovators, challenges and developments in the tourism industry. Attendees from Portugal's home market as well as international players. Laid back, chilled atmosphere where everyone freely express themselves, sharing ideas and feedback based on their experience in this hugely dynamic sector
Rezensionen und Bewertungen
Sollten Sie auf Lisbon Tourism Summit gehen? Lesen Sie verifizierte Bewertungen von Tradefest-Mitgliedern, um Ihre Entscheidung zu erleichtern.
9. Oktober 2023
FIRST KNE ENTREPRISE une Entreprise basée en Afrique je voudrais visiter l'exposition je voudrais une invitation si possible mon mail Je suis en attente favorable d...e vôtre réponse Le Directeur Kodiane Nicaise FIRST KNE ENTREPRISE Mehr lesen
3. Dezember 2018
Great event for startups, investors and corporates that want a first introduction to the Portuguese tourism industry and innovation ecosystem. Really interesting topics and international speakers
30. November 2018
Lisbon Tourism Summit was a well-organised event with an interesting mix of speakers & content. There was a main stage with keynote speakers & panels as well as a startup stage that celebrated open in...novation between startups & corporates. The startup stage was a great opportunity to hear some interesting examples of startup-corporate collaboration in the travel space & offered a good platform for early-stage founders to present their projects. The main-stage content was dynamic, interesting & considered perspectives on travel trends from a range of different stakeholders. Content ranged from digital travel trends all the way through to combatting overtourism & the future of open innovation. A diverse, boutique event in a beautiful venue! Mehr lesen
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Sehen Sie, wer auf Lisbon Tourism Summit geht
Tigrine R.
Agent commercial
Lerefe Emmanuella V.
Directrice commerciale
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