Barcelona Building Construmat 2025
3.3 / 5
(6 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 20. Mai 2025 - 22. Mai 2025 (3 Tage), Spain, Spain

Datum: von 20. Mai 2025 bis 22. Mai 2025 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Fira de Barcelona, Spain, Spain
Veranstalter Fira de Barcelona
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 54326
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 266
At BBConstrumat, we innovate, promote, share and support the growth of the industry. BBConstrumat is the international reference event that activates and accompanies the transition of the construction sector towards a new model of growth and sustainable development. Thanks to digitalization, technological innovation and new construction techniques. A multiple tool, a meeting place, an innovation incubator, a disruptive spokesperson, a new product showroom, a networking platform and a business center. BBConstrumat is the only program in the world that allocates 2000 m² to innovation, new technologies and new materials.
Sollten Sie auf Barcelona Building Construmat gehen? Lesen Sie verifizierte Bewertungen von Tradefest-Mitgliedern, um die Entscheidung zu erleichtern.
28. Juni 2019
I remember a different Construmat. I couldnt assist last year, but in 2019 it was a new event deddicated to sostenibility and eco world. I recommend Barcelona Building Construmat to all interior desi...gners, like me, it was a greatfull walk through new materials and new ways to use old materials. Mehr lesen
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21. Juni 2019
Entro mucha gente particular, no eran de ninguna empresa, una en especial iba con un carro de la compra y venía a nuestro stand a pedirnos naranjas. no lo vi nada profesional. Y hubo mucha gente que n...o eran profesionales entonces hubo mucho turismo de ir con una bolsa y llenarla con los caramelos y bolis que se encontraban. Mehr lesen
24. Mai 2019
I'm always happy to attend. At this year the cultural offer has been strongly better. After the economic crisis, Construmat would have lost visitors and influence if it wouldn't renovate his concept. ...This year I attended as a speaker, and unfortunately didn't have much time to visit all the Fair, but the impression has been good. Thanks!Mehr lesen
23. Mai 2019
I attended as an exhibitor. We are attending the last three editions, and the results are so satisfying.
23. Mai 2019
1) Gender equality reflected in the debates like "Women can build" or even hostess dress code 2) Uncomfortable issues debates in "Talks Arena"- that was really an inspiring congress, going far beyond... construction and architecture. Make a pause and think a while over the real problems of today´s word. 3) Zero impact: environment friendly event with no plastic bags, no plastic bottles and hundred of unnecessary gadget and catalogues.Mehr lesen
23. Mai 2019
I think the fair was a little neglected, few exhibitors. you need a renewal injection
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Cheikh ibra fall D.
Mohamed A.
Ingénieur en génie civil
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