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Greenbuild International Conference & Expo

Greenbuild International Conference & Expo 2025

3.5 / 5

(11 Bewertungen)

Dienstag, 4. November 2025 - 7. Nov. 2025  (4 Tage), United StatesUnited States

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Greenbuild International Conference & Expo
Greenbuild International Conference & Expo

Datum: von 4. Nov. 2025 bis 7. Nov. 2025 ( 4 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort Washington Convention Center Washington DCUnited StatesUnited States

Veranstalter Informa

Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 20000

Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 400

Sustainability and architecture leaders from across the globe descend onto Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta for Greenbuild International Conference & Expo.


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Alex merril  M.
Alex merril M.



29. September 2024

J'ai adoré ce conférence , c'est pour moi un bonne occasion
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4. April 2024

Super Événement
Je suis super intéressé par cette conférence étant dans le BTP. L'innovation sera au Rendez-vous. Comment procéder pour avoir une lettre d'invitation. Merci
Daryl C.
Daryl C.



13. Juli 2023

Not a good ROI for Exhibitors
The attendees don't care much about the exhibits. Low traffic. Many have their green materials picked and don't need more or care. The specification booths are there, and not many in automation, energ...y, EV, or other things that matter for building operation. The attendees are not very focused on the ways buildings will ultimately run. Many exhibitors shut down very early and even disassemble. It's not worth funding. It's an affirmation crowd. They get the same politically oriented guest speakers stating platitudes so everyone can feel great about accomplishing very little. Mehr lesen
Annette S.
Annette S.



15. Januar 2020

A not to miss gathering of like-minded, green building professionals!
President Obama!! High quality sessions addressing key topics of health and wellness in the built environment.
Aastha A.
Aastha A.



15. Januar 2020

First impressions of a first time attendee
Over all it was a well organized event, with things going forth in a very timely manner. The keynote with President Obama, was absolutely wonderful. The floor sessions were engaging and informative as... well. However, I would like to see more one on one networking opportunities and smaller events and more innovative products from the industry on the trade floor. I thought the actual products were quite few and one or two that were not really industry relevant. Mehr lesen
Ramana K.
Ramana K.



15. Januar 2020

A great mix of content, speakers and people.
Greenbuild 2019 not only happened in Atlanta where I practice, the mix of speakers, tour locations, content delivered and networking opportunities couldn't have been better. The breadth and depth of i...ssues covered really appealed to me, ranging across health, resiliency, climate change, equity, ecosystems, building efficiency and sustainable design. I particularly appreciated USGBC's holistic focus via its Living Standard campaign based on storytelling. While the LEED rating system remains a star attraction, it is now one of the several stars. Besides attending, I had volunteered on the tours committee which gave me a newfound appreciation for all the background effort that goes into planning a successful event like this one.Mehr lesen
Kira G.
Kira G.



15. Januar 2020

Greenbuild: evolving, still valuable
Context: I utilize Greenbuild primarily as a networking and education opportunity. I attending in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 ... then a hiatus and have restarted again. Overall, I find the commerc...ial feel has risen. Sponsorships are important, but I was noticing many businesses as underwriters who have complex environmental records (or political alliances that cast doubt on environmental commitment). Education sessions are still solid. I was happy that ours got strong attendance (early Friday morning, tough slot) and went to another good one right after that. The Expo floor seemed to be missing several of the regulars this year. Even so, it was a valuable conglomerate of companies and had both networking and education value. I was pleased with the number of small talks on the floor; I like that addition (although acoustics are a challenge). Keynotes are usually strong; I enjoyed Obama and Jeanne Gang (tho I wish she'd asked me to proofread her deck; typo ouch). I plan to attend in San Diego (although I am distinctly NOT pleased that it's the week of the election). As someone who has attended these for more than 15 years (not every year), I think that the clarity of purpose is missing from this event these days (which may be more about USGBC generally: the landscape in which it operates now, versus 15 years ago, is entirely different, in large part due to its own success: the mainstreaming has, in many ways, occurred). But it's a more complex landscape now, and Greenbuild still has the challenge of meeting the needs of multiple audiences. I think there is some muddled messaging afoot and unifying things would be appropriate. It might even be time to crystallize who this event is most for (primary audience + a couple secondary ones). Many people I know can only attend one a year, and they are choosing betwen this and Living Future (and sometimes AIA). Lastly: The Women in Green Power Luncheon is always a treat. It sometimes feels a little over produced, but it's large, so that's the nature of what it has become. But every year I meet some new people, often young people, and that's a real treat. This year a high school girl from NC stole the show for me. This year's speakers at this event were excellent, too. (Full disclosure: I co-authored the 2007 book Women in Green, which helped inspire this event, as Kimberly will tell you, so I'm a little biased.) See you in San Diego!Mehr lesen
Melissa J.
Melissa J.



15. Januar 2020

Always an inspiring conference!
Always enjoy the content and networking. I come back to work inspired and refreshed!
Bipin K.
Bipin K.



15. Januar 2020

Amazing experience!
Great opportunity to connect to professional related to green building and finding new businesses connection. Lots of knowledgeable workshops and seminars. Had great time!
Stacey O.
Stacey O.



15. Januar 2020

Content in advanced sessions really good
Educational content set it up this year with the advanced sessions providing in-depth knowledge and analysis.

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Sid ali Yahiat

Sid ali Y.

secteur des Réseaux et télécommunications


Ahmadou BA

Ahmadou B.


Loic Tagne

Loic T.


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