Westmoreland County Air Show 2026
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(1 avis)samedi, 11 juin 2022 - 12 juin 2022 (2 jours), Latrobe, États-Unis
Informations générales
Date: du 11 juin 2022 au 12 juin 2022 (2 jours)
Lieu Arnold Palmer Regional Airport, Latrobe, États-Unis
Organisateur My Media Network
Nombre de visiteurs attendus : 5000
Nombre d'exposants attendus : 500
Notes et avis
Faut-il aller à Westmoreland County Air Show ? Découvrez ce qu'en pensent les visiteurs et exposants des éditions précédentes.
12 juin 2022
First off they had no handicapped parking this year. I was told that once you park find a fireman and they will get a cart for you. There were no fireman around. I had to try and walk as far as I cou...ld and put up a chair. When leaving it was the same thing. Also the way they had it arranged was bad if you were handicapped. You had to walk to see anything. People on carts would just drive by you. When I did get one to stop I was told that I had to be at a designated pick up spot but was not told where. When one of the main attractions is a giant potato ( that wound up being fake) is in the show you know it isn't that good. They also moved where you could view the show this year. Which was in a bad spot. Voir plus
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John L.
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