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miércoles, 21 de abril de 2027 - 26 de abr de 2027  (6 días), FranceFrance

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Descripción general

Fecha: de 21 de abr de 2027 a 26 de abr de 2027 ( 6 días)

Evento FranceFrance

Organizador Comexposium

Número esperado de asistentes: 88254

Número esperado de expositores: 1273

INTERMAT, the international exhibition of construction and infrastructure, changes its sectorization to meet the expectations of visitors (better readability of sectors, efficiency of the visit, development of innovations ...). The objective is to improve the visibility of the building and building trade applications represented by professional visitors by presenting a global and representative construction offer from beginning to end. A REINFORCED OFFER AROUND 4 POLES EARTHQUAKE, DEMOLITION AND TRANSPORT ROAD, MATERIAL INDUSTRIES AND FOUNDATIONS EARTH AND DEMOLITION BUILDING AND CONCRETE INDUSTRY LIFTING AND HANDLING The only construction fair offering access to French, Mediterranean an...d African markets. INTERMAT, the largest gathering of French construction companies France is the leading European manufacturer in terms of turnover (> 80 billion euros) 81% of visitors from Europe, Africa and the Middle East (excluding France) INTERMAT is the only construction fair to mobilize visitors from 52 countries in Africa and the Middle East. The Middle East - North Africa (MENA) region plans more than $ 11.5 trillion in new construction projects by 2030Leer más

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A ver quién va a INTERMAT

Wassila Maziz

Wassila M.

Charge et suivi des projets bâtiment


CLEMENT Chevrier


Responsable ICT chez Hitachi


alexandre Bunzli

alexandre B.


Proveedor de servicios

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