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(1 reseñas)martes, 15 de julio de 2025 - 18 de jul de 2025 (4 días), Brazil, Brazil
Descripción general

Fecha: de 15 de jul de 2025 a 18 de jul de 2025 ( 4 días)
Evento Convention and Exhibition Center Expoville, Brazil, Brazil
Organizador Messe Brasil
Número esperado de asistentes: 21911
Número esperado de expositores: 249
Intermach is a trade show that covers several different segments of the industry, always presenting numerous high technology launchings. It gathers qualified visitors of sectors your company may have not explored yet, but with an enormous purchase potential. Another advantage that this variety proportionates to its exhibitors, is a smaller competition when compared to what is found in more specialized trade shows, where it is common to be seen products of the same line exerting competition among themselves. With a large range of exhibitors and an universe of more than 1.200 products, the trade show has the necessary strenght to attract all the business community and technicians of the reg...ion, besides of many others, coming from many other states and even from other countries, most of them to purchase and to close business. Valuable opportunities in the future will only appear if the right attitude is taken now. And Intermach in its 20 years of realizations, is already consolidated as a powerful tool for the economy of the sector.Leer más
Reseñas y valoraciones
¿Deberías optar por INTERMACH ? Lee las opiniones verificadas de los miembros de Tradefest para ayudarte a decidir.
25 de septiembre de 2019
For my first experience in Intermach, I had my networking up to date, and I hope it can give me more business in a short time.
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A ver quién va a INTERMACH
Komlan Mawuli A.
Chef d'entreprise
Herman Z.
assistant de bureau
Sergio P.
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