Understand changes from the proposed FDA FSMA rules 2020
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(0 reviews)Wednesday, September 9, 2020 (1 day), Fremont, United States
Date: Sep 9, 2020 (1 day)
Venue Online , Fremont, United States
Organizer s2m training
Expected number of attendees : 100
Overview This is part 1 of a three part required training resulting from the finalization of new US FDA food transportation laws. Session 1, "Responsibilities of the Carrier Under the Final Rules" covers the Final Rules on the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Foods (now law) as published by the Food and Drug Administration under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This session covers the final rules. All carrier transportation operations personnel are required to take this and the subsequent two training sessions. What carriers are exempt from these training requirements? Carriers with an average annual income less than $500,000 requirements Carriers of food completely en...closed by a container Carriers of live food animals, except molluscan shellfish Why should you Attend The final rules on the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Foods establish training requirements for all carrier personnel engaged in food transportation operations. Training certificates are required for these topics: Responsibilities of the carrier under the final Sanitary Transportation rules Awareness of potential food safety problems that may occur during food transportation Basic sanitary transportation practices to address those potential problems This training is REQUIRED for all food carrier personnel engaged in transportation operations upon hiring and as needed thereafter. The new law was published on April 6, 2016, which mean there is little time left for perishable food carrier operations to develop and implement risk reducing preventive food handling, load and un-load, as well as make distribution and transportation process improvements. Read more
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