SOSU Europe (Sourcing Summit) 2025
4.4 / 5
(11 reviews)Wednesday, October 8, 2025 - Oct 9, 2025 (2 days), Amsterdam, Netherlands

Date: from Oct 8, 2025 to Oct 9, 2025 (2 days)
Venue Meervaart Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Organizer Destination talent
Expected number of attendees : 400
RISK TAKERS, GAME CHANGERS, PEOPLE FINDERS, TOOL TINKERERS & TALENT GEEKS from all over Europe congregate at #SOSUEU to collaborate, network & learn. Be in the room with the sharpest sourcing minds and hear first hand, the challenges, new trends and opportunities that are shaping the talent sourcing landscape. SOURCING SUMMIT (#SOSU) started in 2011 in Australia with the aim to highlight the growing importance of talent sourcing, promote and spread new thinking, and bring together practitioners to network and learn from each other. The event is now held annually in four continents. Sourcing Summit brings together sourcing innovators from across the world and highlights the important role... of sourcing. The Summit provide attendees with the opportunity to learn from thought leaders, practitioners and organisations who are at the forefront of sourcing excellence.Read more
Reviews and ratings
Should you go to SOSU Europe (Sourcing Summit)? Read verified reviews by Tradefest members to help you decide.
December 2, 2019
In 2018 I had the opportunity to attend SOSU as an attendee and this year as Speaker. I could not be prouder of being part of this great community. SOSU is the perfect international event for learning..., growing, connecting, for having fun. If you love recruitment, if you love sourcing, if you love what you do... I strongly recommend attending the SOSU.Read more
November 29, 2019
I joined SOSU as a speaker and never expected I will learn so much there. If you are looking to learn what is new and hot in recruitment sourcing, there is no better place to be then SOSU! Just be rea...dy to be amazed by the quantity and quality of the content packed in a couple of days.Read more
November 29, 2019
A great chance to meet and network with people from all over the world! Sharing experiences, knowledge, and solutions for the challenges of a recruiter and sourcer!
November 29, 2019
SoSu is getting better every time I'm coming, though some of the subjects are things that I already have the knowledge in, there is also enough info that is new. Going definitely next time!
November 15, 2019
SOSU was great. A great venue , a lot of people who are really engaged in their own field, but not afraid to teach other people how they do it. The Hackathon was really great and a good place to le...arn. Having all the information available afterwards on slides and video was the icing on the cake. Read more
November 13, 2019
400 Active Sourcer waren auf dem Sourcing Summit im Oktober in Amsterdam, davon über 50 aus Deutschland (darunter auch Nina Wessels, Active Sourcerin des Jahres 2019 in Deutschland), viele natürlich a...uch aus den Niederlanden, aber auch einige aus UK, Frankreich, Spanien, Portugal und sogar aus Afrika! +++ Sie möchten nachvollziehen, was Sie 2019 in Amsterdam verpasst haben?+++ Dann nutzen Sie den DIGITAL PASS (alle Vorträge aufgenommen als Video, zum vor-und zurückspulen). Der Normalpreis beträgt 145 € Mit Code WOLFGANG46 bekommen Sie ihn für nur 99 €. Waren alle der 400 Sourcer schon 5 Jahre weiter als in Deutschland? Nicht alle der 400 sind schon 5 Jahre weiter im Active Sourcing als in Deutschland, aber es waren durchaus andere Themen als in Deutschland, die die Konferenz beherrschten. Das Motto dieses Jahr war „Wie werde ich ein Super Sourcer?“ texidi.io/sosueu Der Sourcing Summit EU startete mit einem Sourcing Hackathon Der Nachmittag des ersten Tages begann gleich mit einem Sourcing Hackathon. Wenn Sie einen ersten Einblick bekommen möchten, welchen Herausforderungen sich die Sourcer auf der SOSUEU stellen mußten, können Sie hier auch noch am Wettbewerb teilnehmen und versuchen die Besten zu schlagen. Es gibt eine Rangliste! Hier geht es zum Wettbewerb: texidi.io/sosueu Danach ging es weiter mit einem Feuerwerk von Vorträgen Die Inhalte der Vorträge und Sessions geben auch ein Vorgefühl auf die Unterschiede in den Diskussionsebenen und ließen sich in zwei Schwerpunkte unterteilen: Weitere Detailinfos finden Sie hier: http://competitiverecruiting.de/SOSUEU-Amsterdam-400-Active-Sourcer-die-5-Jahre-weiter-sind.html http://competitiverecruiting.de/SOSUEU-Amsterdam-400-Active-Sourcer-die-5-Jahre-weiter-sind.htmRead more
November 12, 2019
Absolutely best sourcing event in Europe. Highly recommendable, as there are tons of knowledge to get.
November 11, 2019
Sosu is obviously a great event where we can learn a lot... Great speakers, great talks... cool tips. But more than this, Phil Tussing create a great & lovely community! Sourcing Summit is unique for ...this! Read more
November 11, 2019
Thanks for reading this review! If you have no clue about sourcing or if you have come to go deeper in your profession, this is the event to go to. The love for sourcing, the geekiness, the manageme...nt talks, they are all there. The amount of friends you make, the diversity, again the love is tremendous. Sourcing Summit is a community coming together. check out sosueurope.com to find out where the next Sourcing Summit will take place. See you there! Gordon Lokenberg Boolean ResultsRead more
November 9, 2019
If you want to meet the brightest minds of international sourcing and recruitment community SOSU is a place to go, very motivational event for junior sources/recruiters as well as experienced managers..., content varies and includes some technical aspects of sourcing as well as important talent topics (diversity&inclusion, AI bias etc)and interesting case studies. It is also a great event for firs-time speakers since organising team and fellow speakers are very supportive. Sourcing hackathon is also super fun part and there plenty of opportunities to network.Read more
See who's going to SOSU Europe (Sourcing Summit)
Mag M.
Renée-Carole G.
Pragnya V.
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