
Date: from Sep 11, 2025 to Sep 13, 2025 (3 days)
Venue Valencia, Spain, Barcelona, Spain
Organizer Magnus Group
Magnus Group gladly invites you to attend in person or virtually in the "10th Edition of World Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems" (PDDS 2023), which will take place in valencia, Spain on September 14-16, 2023. The subject for this global Conference is Confronting Global Issues and Exploring Scientific Inquest on Pharmaceutics The primary topics of Pharma Conferences 2023 conference are the most recent and current breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry has advanced drug development through a variety of novel techniques. To discuss this novel development, Pharmaceutical Conference will bring together pharmacologists, researchers, scientist...s, and students. The aim of Pharma Congress is to bring together eminent professionals and speakers to deliver educational sessions and multiple presentations on the present and potential benefits of pharmaceutics. Magnus Group cordially invites you to join online and in person at "PDDS 2023," the 10th Edition of World Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems, which will take place in Valencia, Spain from September 14–16, 2023. The focus of this Global congress is Confronting Global Issues and Exploring Scientific Inquest on Pharmaceutics. The “Pharmaceutical Congress 2023 Will provide a global platform for scholars and experts with a pharmaceutical background who are working in that field to demonstrate their scientific work and research on topic areas like novel developments in drug delivery system, formulation technologies, pharmacy, drug delivery, pharmacology, bio similar market and Many others. Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and drugs are all welcome to exhibit their cutting-edge goods at Drug Delivery Events in order to increase awareness of their offerings. Disseminating the most recent knowledge on pharmaceutical science for the good of humanity is our primary objective of Pharma Congress. The "10th Edition of Global Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems" (PDDS 2023), which is scheduled to take place as a hybrid event with both online and offline versions at Valencia, Spain during September 14-16, 2023, is being organised by Magnus Group with great pleasure in response to the tremendous success of the past 9 editions of the Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems. The congress's theme this year's theme “Confronting Global Issues and Exploring Scientific Inquest on Pharmaceutics "and it aims to inform you of the most recent developments in the fields of pharmaceutics and drug delivery systems. Professionals from the academic, pharmaceutical industry, Research and Development wings, Drug discovery laboratories will also be attending Pharma Conferences 2023. Pharma Congress will also feature senior executives and renowned researchers from the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry, quality control, and assurance, clinical trials, and pharmacovigilance, pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmacognosy, biopharmaceutics, drug discovery, design, and development, and pharmacoeconomics. Pharmaceutical Congress 2023 acts as a great platform for scholars in pharma industry. Read more
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