
Date: Apr 14, 2024 (1 day)
Venue National Exhibition and Convention Center , Shanghai Shi, China
Organizer Reed Exhibitions
Expected number of attendees : 30000
Expected number of exhibitors : 450
FIBO CHINA is an expert, global and extraordinary dynamic exchanging stage gathering residential and abroad five star wellness hardware and wellness club offices (FIBO Expert), utilitarian preparing mechanical assembly (FIBO Power) and sports clothes (FIBO Passion). Plans to build up the associating between China wellness industry and universal advancement pattern. Advancing wellbeing advancement of industry, spreading style wellbeing way of life to the wellness business. FIBO CHINA, with reconciliation of exchange, instruction and experience, is an amazing wellness meeting drawing in wellness focus administrators, mentors, sports medication pros, physiotherapists, inns, genuine bequests, ...financial specialists, merchants, operators and multi-reason wellbeing focus administrators and most of wellness aficionados. Beginning from 1985, when FIBO Cologne was built up, FIBO is continually driving the world pattern of wellness, and its have the right to be the worldwide exploring presentation of wellness and weight training field.Read more
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