Warsaw Pack 2023
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 18. April 2023 - 20. Apr. 2023 (3 Tage), Poland, Poland
Datum: von 18. Apr. 2023 bis 20. Apr. 2023 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Ptak Warsaw Expo, Poland, Poland
Veranstalter Ptak Warsaw Expo
The International Fair of Packaging Technology and Packaging is a specialist industry event taking place at Ptak Warsaw Expo, the Largest Exhibition and Congress Center in Central Europe. Aiming to bring together all branches of the packaging industry and create favorable conditions for professional business contacts. During this edition, we systematized our exhibitors in dedicated zones. The event will be enriched with various types of trainings and conferences as well as the Program Council we created, to which we invited industry leaders and key Chambers and Institutions to have a real impact on the creation and development of Warsaw Pack.
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