VIRTUAL MEDICALL - 2nd Editionn 2025
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(0 Bewertungen)Freitag, 4. September 2020 - 5. Sept. 2020 (2 Tage), India, India
Datum: von 4. Sept. 2020 bis 5. Sept. 2020 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Virtual Medicall, India, India
Veranstalter Medexpert Business Consultants Pvt Ltd
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 5000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 100
Medicall, is India's largest B2B Medical Equipment Exhibition is organized by Medexpert Business Consultants Pvt Ltd, promoted by Dr. Manivannan S, Managing Director of Kauvery hospital a 1000 bedded Hospital group in South India. Medicall serves as a marketing platform wherein the equipment companies showcase their products and services to Hospital owners and decision makers. Since MEDICALL is being organized by people who have been in Healthcare field for many years, the content and the quality of the visitors are expected to be better than any other previously held event. Virtual Medicall's 2nd Edition is an exclusive online expo for telemedicine, home healthcare and remote monito...ring solutions. To register: Dates: 4th and 5th Sep 2020 Timings: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Mehr lesen
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