Datum: von 23. Apr. 2024 bis 26. Apr. 2024 ( 4 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Expocentre Fairgrounds, Russia, Russia
Veranstalter Expocentre
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 16680
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 324
Last year the Russian Government approved the program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. The program covers five areas related to regulations, cyber security, education and HR, development of research competences, and IT infrastructure. Digital transformation is impossible without IT while collection, protection, minimum delay transfer and processing of giant data sets require a new strong telecommunications infrastructure. It includes telecom networks, data centres, software and digital technology platforms. The global trends show that the 5G technology and the Internet of Things will be one of the pillars of digital economy. The Russian telecommunications industry faces new glo...bal challenges connected with digital transformation that has started in all sectors of economy. Industry 4.0 is already our reality. The Russian Week of High Technologies serves as an intersectoral platform to create and develop infrastructure of the digital economy of Russia. Mehr lesen
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