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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 27. Februar 2024 - 28. Feb. 2024 (2 Tage), Thailand, Thailand

Datum: von 27. Feb. 2024 bis 28. Feb. 2024 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Banyan Tree Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
Veranstalter Applied Market Information Ltd
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 5000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 100
Stretch and Shrink Films Asia returns to Bangkok, Thailand, on 27-28 February 2024. Building upon the success of the previous edition, this two-day event brings together industry experts and like-minded professionals to discuss the latest advances within Asia and the international market. The technical sessions and networking opportunities make this a must attend forum for producers, equipment manufacturers, technical specialists, and customers from across the stretch and shrink film supply chain. Whilst learning about technology developments, sustainability solutions and other key issues, there is also a focused exhibition area to source new products and services.
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