
Datum: 1. Juni 2022 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort BolognaFiere, Italy, Italy
Veranstalter Smau Servizi
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 50000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 1000
Smau Bologna | R2B is the reference event for all companies that want to approach the world of research and product and process development to bring true innovation to the market. To support them along this path, Smau provides companies with a network of strategic partners: the best startups in the area and digital companies with which to build together innovation and renewal projects, leveraging the support of the Regions which, through the funds Europeans, can encourage the specialization of territories and businesses An event to live intensely to find new proposals, ideas and partners to rely on to build together the future of your business: be guided by Startup Safari to discover the i...nnovations present at the fair closest to the needs of your company, participate in over 50 workshops free to update you on the latest digital trends and networking events to shake hands with the real protagonists of change in your area and create new partnerships.Mehr lesen
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7. April 2022
Faisant suite aux différents commentaires des précédents participants je souhaite avoir les modalités pour participer en 2022 je vis en Afrique...
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29. Juli 2019
- good service provider and consultant - less industrial companies - good for startup - i propose a service of follow up of the meetings to link partecipants and create new business opportunities. t...hank you Gabriele Mehr lesen
18. Juli 2019
Smau Bologna was a great opportunity for business and meet new partners. For the next time be careful to the time between one workshop and other, because the time is very short if, like me, have an a...genda very busy. A little better training to the hostess of the event, they have to help the attendee not lose time but direct to the right place in a short time and way. Must continue in this way... great job!!Mehr lesen
12. Juli 2019
As representatives of a university TTO, we got the opportunity to meet collegues from other regions as well as institutions and entrepeneur organisations intrested in promoting innovation and research.... The complete title of the show is in fact "R2B - Research to Business - SMAU Bologna", so technology transfer is the main focus. We didn't get plenties of contacts, but the ones we got were well qualified, most of them in the digital area but also in the food sector, while life sciences were poorly represented. On the whole, it's worth beeing there.Mehr lesen
11. Juli 2019
SMAU Bologna confirms to be an excellent opportunity to meet lbig companies that are strongly interested in meeting and learning about the rich technological reality of university start-ups and spin-o...ffs. ! ! ! H I G H L Y R E C O M M E N D E D ! ! !Mehr lesen
11. Juli 2019
Smau Bologna 2019 The twelfth edition of Smau hosted over 120 speakers and presented more than 200 innovations proposed by startups, digital companies and the laboratories and research centers present.... An edition whose main themes were Open Innovation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data and which saw some of the protagonists of the national and international innovation ecosystem, including Art-Er, Cisco, Dompé, Golinelli Foundation, Future food Institute, Jcube, The Hive, Mindsetter, Plug and Play, QVC, Sirti, Sviluppo Campania, the Doers and many others , take the stage of the scheduled events. In the exhibition area there were digital companies such as Cisco, CBI Consortium, Sap Unify and Laboratories, and Research Centers of Emilia-Romagna. Smau therefore represents a unique opportunity to meet and discuss between companies consolidated on the one hand and startups and innovative companies on the other, which can become ideal candidates to support existing companies in the necessary path of renewal.Mehr lesen
10. Juli 2019
Smau R2B is always interesting. An unmissable annual event to learn about research projects in the Emilia-Romagna region and to meet innovators and new startups
7 Ergebnisse • Seite 1 von 1
Sehen Sie, wer auf Smau Bologna geht
Prudence Juliette N.
Gerant de la société K2 distribution
Atmane b.
Entrepreneur indépendant
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