Smart payment & Identification Day 2023
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(0 Bewertungen)Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2023 (1 Tag), France, France
Datum: 11. Jan. 2023 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Must Platform, France, France
Veranstalter MUST
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 100000
To register: https://net-must.com/ Event page: https://mext.app/exhibition/51/event/03937a3f-fe52-4265-93f4-1755cf7eacbc To create an Avatar: https://net-must.com/dashboard/my-avatars To visit the Must B2B Metaverse platform: https://net-must.com/exhibition/viewer/8d7f929d-34cd-4bb7-9db6-9e7c4a41c8ab?language=fr&v2=true The way we pay has undergone several changes over the last decade, driven by the increasing adoption of smartphones, digitisation, recently spurred by the COVID crisis, government initiatives and new technological capabilities and innovations such as biometrics, blockchain, AI/ML, 5G and IoT devices, to improve security and customer experience and create new ways of pay...ing. In a livestream day, we will develop around the latest trends and innovations for the Smart Payment market: Payment card transformations, contactless, biometrics and NFC and mobile payment deployments. To see all the 2023 events: https://net-must.com/events To contact us: must-marketing@net-must.com Video and more information will be available soon. Stay tuned.Mehr lesen
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