Datum: 14. Dez. 2023 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Palais des Congrès de Paris, France, France
Veranstalter Infopro Digital
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30373
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 467
A showcase for the French business real estate market, the SIMI is a place of exchange, debate and above all a major business meeting between professionals. The SIMI brings together over 30,373 professionals and 467 participating companies and communities for three days, representing the entire real estate and land offer, and also all the services associated with real estate and business. As such, there are offers, located in France, for offices, logistics and activity, commercial real estate in the city center as well as in the retail park. It also takes into account the current and future evolution and mutation of the ecosystem, in particular with the deployment of digital within building...s. Mehr lesen
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14. Dezember 2018
Le SIMI m'a permis de vivre l'une des plus belles expériences de ma vie professionnelle et académique. En tant que lauréate du Prix Junior de l'Industrie Immobilière, j'ai eu l'occasion de présenter m...on travail de fin d'étude et de rencontrer des références d'exception. Mehr lesen
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Kenny V.
Mahamat karam Z.
Arthur c.
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