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Royal Highland Show

Royal Highland Show 2025

4.2 / 5

(6 Bewertungen)

Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2025 - 22. Juni 2025  (4 Tage), United KingdomUnited Kingdom

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Royal Highland Show
Royal Highland Show

Datum: von 19. Juni 2025 bis 22. Juni 2025 ( 4 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort Royal Highland CentreUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom

Veranstalter Royal Highland Centre

The Royal Highland Show is Scotland's biggest annual Agricultural show. The show is organised by the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Held annually in June at the Royal Highland Centre in Ingliston


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Sylvestre B.
Sylvestre B.



20. Januar 2024

Royal highland show
Hi.My name is yebli mignoime maxime I am a general director of the company (Y.M.M togo) I am writing this letter to express my interest in visiting your event which will take place royal highland sh...ow 2024 I am convinced that this visit would be a valuable opportunity for specific reasons, to learn more about your activities, establish potential partnerships, make purchases, etc. I plan to take this tour on the following dates: However, I am flexible and willing to adjust my schedule according to your convenience. If possible, could you issue me an official invitation letter to facilitate the visa application process? I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation needed. Thank you in advance for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to visit the event and discuss any potential with exhibitors. Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings. Sincer…Mehr lesen
Example of a booth at a tradeshow

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Edel E.
Edel E.



12. August 2019

Royal highlands Show was a positive event
Very engaged consumers and the stand was busy everyday, overall a positive event.
John B.
John B.



2. August 2019

Very busy, but good quality of people on our stand
good leads and subscriptions from the event again, we were broken into on a Sunday night, however.
Melanie H.
Melanie H.



27. Juli 2019

Get better each year!
Royal Highland Show is the biggest outdoor event taking place in Scotland, it has so much to do for all ages and interests. Definitely an event worth taking time to attend
Garry W.
Garry W.



25. Juli 2019

First Year at the RHS
The Royal Highland Show was a fantastic opportunity and platform for us to create great Brand Awareness for our unique Craft Golden Rum, Rumburra Orach; Small Batched and Handcrafted in Scotland at 42....3%. Entering, at that time, our 6th Month in business the event catapulted us way beyond where we had anticipated we’d be half way through our first year. Assistance from Fife Council’s Economic Trade Development Team made the event stress free and smooth. The organisation witnessed on behalf of the RHS organisers was very impressive, no hold ups, no problems getting goods in and out. All in all, an amazing experience that we hope we get the chance to repeat next year.Mehr lesen
Dot S.
Dot S.



22. Juli 2019

Great first experience for Fife!
Fife Council's Economic Development Team, in partnership with Food from Fife, supported 8 Fife businesses exhibit at this year's Royal Highland Show as part of a Fife Group stand to showcase a flavour... of Fife. The show had an amazing buzz throughout the 4 days and allowed businesses from Fife to showcase their offering and highlight why Fife is the best place to do business!Mehr lesen

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rehah omar

rehah o.


Ndiouga Diagne

Ndiouga D.



Sylvestre Byorn

Sylvestre B.



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Example of a booth at a tradeshow

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