Rex 2024
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 10. September 2024 - 12. Sept. 2024 (3 Tage), Ukraine, Ukraine
Datum: von 10. Sept. 2024 bis 12. Sept. 2024 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort , Ukraine, Ukraine
Veranstalter Euroindex
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 9000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 200
REX annually gathers advertising experts from all over the country and introduces the novelties of promotional products, printing, visual communication, advertising and digital-marketing. REX gethers advertisers from all over the country and introduces novelties of advertising and souvenirs, printing, visual communications, advertising services, digital-marketing. Over the past few years, REX has demonstrated positive dynamics in all areas - exhibition area, thematic areas, number of exhibitors and visitors According to the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition, the advertising market continues to recover, annually adding up to 30%. And the exhibition confirms this trend. This year the orga...nizing committee will continue to develop new directions, introduce modern formats, invest in an advertising campaign and attract more participants and visitors, confirming the high status of the exhibition.Mehr lesen
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