RetailNOW 2026
3.3 / 5
(3 Bewertungen)Sonntag, 24. Juli 2022 - 26. Juli 2022 (3 Tage), United States, United States
Datum: von 24. Juli 2022 bis 26. Juli 2022 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort The Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, United States, United States
Veranstalter Cvent
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 2000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 200
RetailNOW brings industry pioneers, trailblazers, and channel players together to create connections vital for any fruitful business. The assorted variety of participants and exhibitors takes into consideration the absolute best in training, thought administration, and item accessibility principal to the quality and development of the business. The exhibitors on the show floor are comprised of equipment producers, programming designers, installment suppliers, appropriation merchants, and other arrangement suppliers.
Rezensionen und Bewertungen
Sollten Sie auf RetailNOW gehen? Lesen Sie verifizierte Bewertungen von Tradefest-Mitgliedern, um Ihre Entscheidung zu erleichtern.
8. August 2019
Had a wonderful time at the event. Great for networking and understanding the POS industry. Learned a ton and excited for future events.
2. August 2019
This is the first year I've been disappointed in the attendance of this show.
2. August 2019
The event was good but had difficulty connecting to Convention Centers WiFi; It caused issues when they tried to Demo with customers & prospects.
3 Ergebnisse • Seite 1 von 1
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Aaron K.
ISO Channel sales manager
amit s.
Renee C.
Credit card
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