Pri-med East 2026
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(0 Bewertungen)Donnerstag, 12. September 2024 - 14. Sept. 2024 (3 Tage), United States, United States
Datum: von 12. Sept. 2024 bis 14. Sept. 2024 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, United States, United States
Veranstalter Pri-Med
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 3300
Through our world-renowned faculty members and practicing primary care physicians, Pri‑Med East will ensure that it delivers a curriculum designed to empower you as a primary care professional and provide the necessary knowledge and tools to give your patients high‑level care. Having taken feedback of last year’s attendees along with that of clinicians in your region and across the United States we strive to develop and deliver an even better conference than last year. Over 3,300 clinicians from Massachusetts and surrounding states attended Pri-Med East last September and there promises to be an even-greater attendance this year. The conference has been described as having the best deli...very of clinician content, inspiring keynote addresses that made you "get up out of your seats", and a buzzing exhibit hall floor with the latest tools, treatments, and technology all in one place. Mehr lesen
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