Datum: 18. März 2020 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort La Fabrique Événementielle, France, France
Veranstalter OroVibe
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 250
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 15
OroVibe - The B2B eCommerce and CRM event for Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Distributors, and Brands. OroVibe 2020 is turning Paris into a B2B eCommerce hotspot! Globally, B2B eCommerce has evolved into a multi-trillion dollar market with sales projected to eclipse those of online B2C sales. What does it all mean? First of all, B2B sellers must stay attuned to customer expectations, which tend to follow the footsteps of their B2C counterparts. At this year’s OroVibe in Paris, you can expect plenty of insightful talks and discussions touching upon virtually every area of interest, including product, technology and customer experience trends related to your industry. Why attend? If you’re se...lling to businesses in any way, shape or form, it pays to stay on top of B2B eCommerce trends. Connect with peers and industry experts who’ll meet you at your stage of Digital Transformation (whatever it may be) and help you with the tools necessary to advance to the next level. This year’s OroVibe will reinvigorate you with a new outlook, fresh ideas and practical skills on leveraging your resources to stay competitive. Check more information here: https://orovibe.com/2020france/en/ Mehr lesen
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