OMTEC 2026
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(1 Bewertung)Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023 - 15. Juni 2023 (3 Tage), United States, United States
Datum: von 13. Juni 2023 bis 15. Juni 2023 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Marriott Marquis Chicago, United States, United States
Veranstalter ORTHOWORLD
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 1300
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 348
OMTEC is the only conference in the world exclusively for the orthopedic industry. Its mission is to educate, connect and empower people who build orthopedic products. With 14 years to our credit, we are honored that OMTEC is now recognized internationally as a "must-attend" event. 348 professionals from 87 unique device manufacturers attended OMTEC 2018. In total, OMTEC brought together approximately 1,300 orthopedic-oriented professionals representing OEMs, suppliers, consultants, surgeons, companies, regulatory bodies and universities.
Rezensionen und Bewertungen
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20. Juni 2019
I would like to see the show extended to 2 1/2 days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). The cost of the booth is the most expensive of the three shows we do (AAOS, & NASS are the others). Once there the... expense for another day is minimal and the chance for more attendees and exposure is increased. The last day of a show is often of little value, having two full days combined with events can only add value to the large cost for exhibit space. Mehr lesen
1 Ergebnis • Seite 1 von 1
Sehen Sie, wer auf OMTEC geht
Koutouan max André junior A.
Infirmiers urgentiste
David E.
President at Kyocera SGS Precision Tools Medical Division
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