OMExpo by futurizz 2026
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(1 Bewertung)Montag, 20. März 2023 - 23. März 2023 (4 Tage), Brazil, Brazil
Datum: von 20. März 2023 bis 23. März 2023 ( 4 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Sao Paulo Expo, Brazil, Brazil
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 8500
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 180
It is the leading event in digital marketing and ecommerce of Spain. Present your latest news, products and services to more than 8,000 professionals in only 2 days. 140 brands were represented last edition, 8,650 visitors form more than 35 countries. More than 110 hours of content (presentations and successful cases) with 365 speakers. The congress counts with 8 scenaries structured by top topics from the digital industry: successful cases, presentations, round tables, interviews and a lot more.
Rezensionen und Bewertungen
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16. April 2018
I appreciated this event from a networking point of view. I found that a lot of people I spoke to were decision makers
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Sehen Sie, wer auf OMExpo by futurizz geht
Juan F.
Account Manager Médias
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