Masterbatch Asia 2026
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(0 Bewertungen)Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2024 - 29. Feb. 2024 (2 Tage), Thailand, Thailand
Datum: von 28. Feb. 2024 bis 29. Feb. 2024 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Banyan Tree Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
Veranstalter AMI
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 100
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 10
The next edition of AMI's Masterbatch Asia will take place at the Banyan Tree Hotel Bangkok, Thailand. The conference will provide an international forum for all companies involved in the Asian masterbatch business. The main attendees are the masterbatch producers, but the programme is also highly relevant to all stages of the value chain from raw material suppliers, additive and pigment manufacturers to end users, and offers participants the opportunity to learn about the new developments and future trends that will influence the Asian industry. The conference focuses on the latest trends in colorants, pigments and functional additives to give new insight into how to add value to your ...products as well as updates from equipment suppliers on how to improve performance and cut costs. Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to key market papers which discuss the trends in the industry and focusses on how to build strategies which grow profits in your company, there is also discussion time on how to develop business relationships and hear about new business opportunities and developments on offer for the masterbatch/concentrate producer. Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to key market papers which discuss the trends in the industry and focusses on how to build strategies which grow profits in your company, there is also discussion time on how to develop business relationships and hear about new business opportunities and developments on offer for the masterbatch/concentrate producer. Mehr lesen
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