Lab Asia 2025
3.7 / 5
(3 Bewertungen)Montag, 14. Juli 2025 - 16. Juli 2025 (3 Tage), Malaysia, Malaysia
Datum: von 14. Juli 2025 bis 16. Juli 2025 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, Malaysia
Veranstalter UBM
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 5740
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 163
LabAsia is Southeast Asia’s leading laboratory exhibition, serving as the region’s trade platform for laboratory equipment & services suppliers to engage with trade buyers from across the ASEAN region. The past decade has seen ASEAN governments budgeting billions of USD into research & development efforts in order to remain attractive to foreign investment. These have indirectly translated into a need for the various lab operators to meet with suppliers in an accessible avenue. Since its inaugural edition in 2007, LabAsia has connected thousands of laboratory professionals together through fruitful networking events over the past decade, with the most recent edition witnessing visitors fr...om 54 countries gathered in one event. Through the efforts of Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM), various international conferences have been held in conjunction with LabAsia since its first edition, making LabAsia not only a place for trade, but to exchange knowledge.Mehr lesen
Sollten Sie auf Lab Asia gehen? Lesen Sie verifizierte Bewertungen von Tradefest-Mitgliedern, um die Entscheidung zu erleichtern.
21. November 2019
Lab Asia 2019 was gave a great experience which I never expected. I believe that this kind of exhibition help us to explore our company product throughout many countries and of course I get more knowl...edge about other business opportunities too. I feel so proud to be participate in Lab Asia 2019. Mehr lesen
21. November 2019
The seminar events going around in the exhibition everyday is not being announced publicly by the organizer, and no reminder was being announced, to drag the crowd for the seminar, lead to higher outc...ome of each event. Besides, preferably to inform the entrance arrangement properly before, including how the barriers will be placed from the door to the entrance of the exhibition to let us know which booth position will be the best to meet more crowds. Mehr lesen
14. November 2019
This is still one of the best show for lab equipment supplier, with relevant crowd. They have directed the flow well.
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Expert en automobile
Rita V.
Sales Coordinator
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