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(0 Bewertungen)Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022 (-209 Tage), Canada, Canada
Datum: von 16. Juni 2022 bis 18. Nov. 2021 ( -209 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada, Canada
Veranstalter TAILOR ENERGY Inc
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 2500
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 200
TAILOR ENERGY Inc. is organizing the 1st INTERNATIONAL OIL AND ENERGY COLLOQUIUM (CIPE), in Montreal, Canada. This conference entitled "CIPE 2022" will take place in Montreal from June 16 to 18, 2022. This 1st edition will provide a global space for discussion and exchange between operators in the oil and energy sector in search of business development opportunities and new perspectives. It will bring together more than 200 exhibitors from several countries and is expected to attract more than 2,500 visitors from various sectors including hydrocarbons, administration, industry, government agencies and trading. The world of oil and energy is experiencing an evolution in renewable energies,... but also difficulties since the coronavirus pandemic. Around the world, the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having major impacts in the field. This creates additional challenges, so that companies develop their operating and production capacity on certain continents, also renewable energies are of increasing interest to certain governments and consumers. THEMATIC RENEWABLE ENERGIES What are the benefits and the risks? SUB THEMES What are the economic consequences following the pandemic? What precautions should oil and energy companies take in order to prevent such a crisis? What is the responsibility of governments and institutions and the appropriate aid to enable oil companies to gain access to opportunities following such a crisis? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at this International Conference. The main objective is to enable governments, international institutions, universities, the petroleum and energy industry to share as well as to strengthen their knowledge for actionable measures in a complex economic, environmental, and political context. in the oil and energy sectors. More specifically, the conference sets the following objectives: Provide a space for discussions allowing knowledge sharing, the development of strategies and the implementation of projects and propose innovative approaches to address the difficulties that exist in the oil and energy sectors, in particular the pandemic of COVID-19 and the decarbonization of energy systems. Debate on renewable energies, with the aim of reaching constructive conclusions. Propose ways to collaborate more between companies and governments to improve the procedures for acquiring licenses and permits in the extractive industries, to promote equitable and inclusive sharing of benefits and to mitigate the harms suffered by companies in the extractive industries domain. Establish methods for monitoring progress and party accountability Several countries are partners of the event, and several companies from partner countries will be represented. SEE THE LINK: Mehr lesen
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