Infocomm India 2026
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(1 Bewertung)Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023 - 27. Okt. 2023 (3 Tage), India, India
Datum: von 25. Okt. 2023 bis 27. Okt. 2023 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Bombay Exhibition Centre, India, India
Veranstalter InfoCommAsia Pte Ltd
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 10000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 200
The transformative power of professional AudioVisual (pro-AV) and Integrated Experience Solutions is felt in every industry. Cutting-edge solutions help to streamline business operations, in turn boosting efficiency in the workplace. InfoComm India is where you can tap into opportunities to harness the power of these solutions. Discover game-changing innovations that will give you a competitive advantage. A New India is rising, one which has made a remarkable transformation over the last few years based on sound macro-economics, political stability and a regulatory framework that supports investment. It is also a digitally-empowered nation which is actively pursuing the latest in professio...nal AudioVisual and Integrated Experience Solutions. The businesses that can ride on the rise of New India would be those which pro-actively grab the opportunities via networking platforms like InfoComm India, and then work with their clients to effectively guide their technology transformations. Mehr lesen
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27. September 2019
Infocomm India gives us lots of opportunities to meet every advantage companies, people, and competitors. It's so nice.
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