ICBC Berlin B2B 2024
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 16. April 2024 - 17. Apr. 2024 (2 Tage), Germany, Germany
Datum: von 16. Apr. 2024 bis 17. Apr. 2024 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Estrel Berlin, Germany, Germany
Veranstalter International Cannabis Business Conference
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 5000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 350
A cannabis industry revolution is sweeping Europe, and Germany is at the center of it. International Cannabis Business Conference events are a unique blend of cannabis policy, advocacy, industry, networking, and after-party festivities that feature musical acts and celebrities from across the globe! The events are attended by leading policymakers, executives, and entrepreneurs from over 80 countries. Attending is the best way for innovators and inventors to get their products or services in front of the top influencers and decision-makers in the cannabis space, as well as for investors to network with aspiring entrepreneurs.
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Alle F.
Yves Armel B.
Krisha S.
Marketing Coordinator
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