Datum: 19. März 2024 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort AsiaWorld Expo, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Veranstalter Smart China Sourcing
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 500
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 3800
One Power-Packed Week of Learning & Sourcing for Your eCommerce Whether you're an Amazon veteran with a six-figure turnover, a transitioning brand, an established retailer or just starting to sell online, Global Sources Summit April 2018 has something for you! Featuring workshops, electives, and our well-received Mastermind for Advanced Sellers, take action on your area of focus and start profiting from the full potential of your eCommerce! For the first time ever Global Sources Summit is offering 3 different workshops for attendees who wish to maximize their experience at the Summit. These workshops are conducted by familiar speakers at the Summit and are designed to be practical and inter...active. For beginners, their 2-day workshop will also incorporate a 'field trip' to the trade shows to apply what they have learnt. Mehr lesen
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