Forum FinTech Canada 2026
4.3 / 5
(9 Bewertungen)Freitag, 5. Januar 2024 (1 Tag), United States, United States
Datum: 5. Jan. 2024 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Las Vegas, NV, United States, United States
Veranstalter Finance Montréal
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 2500
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 30
The FinTech Canada Forum, presented for the 6th year in a row, is an annual event organized by Finance Montreal whose objective is to identify and facilitate the development of business opportunities in the financial services and technology industries. 'information. The FinTech Forum also aims to discover new talent, increase interest in new IT trends and challenges in the financial industry, and contribute to the visibility of Canadian expertise in technology applied to finance.
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29. Juli 2021
It was a great opportunity to be a part of this forum. We at Ameex Technologies, a complete BFSI digital transformation technological solutions provider got very good insights by interacting with the ...industry leaders. Know more about our BFSI offerings here: Visualization solutions: Analytics solutions: Snowflake solutions: Cloud solutions: Mehr lesen
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15. Januar 2020
Enjoyed the event - good calibre of attendees, well-organized. Would go back!
19. November 2019
Not applicable since I am one of the promoter of the event and not a company myself. The only deception was really the price, (we) from the Quebec Governement are promoting the event and trying to att...ract foreign delegations in the future and the organizer are charging us the entry fee. Plus, we are bringing high-level buyers from all over the world and they also need to pay their own entry ticket, an event like the Forum fintech in Montreal should be happy to get foreign buyers cause the event is still very local and there was very little buyers. Buyers are a plus-value to an event and very essential to attract more companies, they should not have barriers to attend the event....... Despite that, the organisation was good and well-done! thank you Mehr lesen
19. November 2019
Forum Fintech Montreal was a perfect place to understand the combination between AI applied to Fintech and the development opportunities in North America.
19. November 2019
Forum FinTech Canada 2019 was an incredible opportunity to learn more about the FinTech industry. The innovations presented by start-ups and firms are truly the future of integration between finance a...nd technology. AI & machine learning are becoming prominent and the conferences I attended allowed me to learn more about it and understand the challenges faced such as cybersecurity, quantum computing development and acceptance. Mehr lesen
13. November 2019
This year, we had amazing speakers and site was great. The Bloomberg conference was a little redondant and uninteresting. The lady from Morgan Stanley was incredible!
3. November 2018
I absolutely loved every single second of the event! I hope to come again :)
2. November 2018
Forum Fintech Canada was an opportunity to meet the various stakeholders of the industry and demonstrate the proximity of the AMF toward members of the industry.
1. November 2018
Best opportunity to review the financial and open innovation industry.
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