FM Expo 2025
3.9 / 5
(7 Bewertungen)Montag, 24. November 2025 - 27. Nov. 2025 (4 Tage), United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates

Datum: von 24. Nov. 2025 bis 27. Nov. 2025 ( 4 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Dubai World Trade Centre, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Veranstalter DMG Events
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 5000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 64
FM EXPO is the Middle East's head occasion for the facilities management industry. From 17 to 19 September, experts from over the differing facilities management controls will assemble for three days of sourcing new items and administrations, improving their expert information and systems administration with their companions. This profoundly instructive and enlightening for nothing out of pocket occasion offers boundless chances to associate with industry peers, specialists, sellers, and comprehend the focused scene. The idea of this occasion fits encouraging gatherings between organizations to enable them to connect with guests and feature their full scope of administrations and arrang...ements. With innovation and advancement as the fundamental subjects, expect an instructive program that plunges profound into waste, reusing, cleaning, legionella, and the sky is the limit from there! The FM Workshops are intended to hone your abilities to enable you to maintain your business or division more astute, more secure and progressively streamlined.Mehr lesen
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7. Oktober 2019
Went to the FMANZ breakfast, great presentation and good networking. Cant wait for next year
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7. Oktober 2019
FM EXPO was great opportunity to find out the FM field.
6. Oktober 2019
The size of the event this year reflected the downward pressure in growth that we are all seeing here in the UAE. However, the waste & recycling summit was very busy throughout the day. We had great ...speakers and a very engaged audience. It was great to listen to peoples questions and to get into lively debates! It's why we all attend!Mehr lesen
5. Oktober 2019
This is my first experience at FM Expo. I enjoyed it, I found it was well managed and organized and the organizers were always helpful. Hopefully see you next year!
27. September 2019
Great opportunities can come from this event. Would come again
26. September 2019
It was great to meet the expert people with great experience, services and support.
26. September 2019
FM Expo was a great success for us even that FMExpo was a bit smaller than last year. Qualitatively visitors was significantly better this year. So we are looking forward to the next year event.
7 Ergebnisse • Seite 1 von 1
Sehen Sie, wer auf FM Expo geht
Mamadou F.
Directeur artistique
amine m.
Mohammad Kamal K.
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