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FIPAN 2025

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(10 Bewertungen)

Dienstag, 22. Juli 2025 - 25. Juli 2025  (4 Tage), BrazilBrazil

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Datum: von 22. Juli 2025 bis 25. Juli 2025 ( 4 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort Expo Center NorteBrazilBrazil

Veranstalter Fipan

Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 59000

Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 450

FIPAN, held every year in July, in São Paulo, is the main trade fair of the bakery and confectionery industries and food service establishments in general, such as restaurants, pizzerias, buffets etc. In addition to the 350 exhibitors, approximately, the event provides its 55 thousand visitors with a number of updating activities in the technical field and in the area of professional advanced training, such as lectures, performances and product demonstrations. The event will also feature several parallel events, whose main objective is to offer a huge range of content to professionals visiting FIPAN.


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cherif a.
cherif a.



19. April 2023

aimerai participer a la foire
jaimerai savoir comment participer a la foire.merci
Example of a booth at a tradeshow

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Abel F.
Abel F.



7. August 2019

È uma feira muito importante para os empresários
Uma grande oportunidade de encontrar novos fornecedores.
Ronaldo M.
Ronaldo M.



7. August 2019

Interesting, but very technical
FIPAN was a very good opportunity to better understand bakery trends and get to know better the best equipment manufacturers. I do recommend the event, but it is important to have a guided approach to... such complex and amazing exhibitors. Mehr lesen
Debora C.
Debora C.



6. August 2019

2019 better public, participants
In this year the public was more selected A little bite more organized
Douglas A.
Douglas A.



6. August 2019

Well organised and focused
FIPAN 2019 was better in comparison of other years in many ways. it was more organised and focused on the people who really are interested in the bakery area.
Abel F.
Abel F.



6. August 2019

Uma feira sensacional
Uma grande oportunidade de fazer negócio com diferentes empresas
Mikael Felipe A.
Mikael Felipe A.



2. August 2019

No criticism to make
Great fair, great partners, I plan to see you next year.
Targino S.
Targino S.



2. August 2019

Fipan 2019 São Paulo
Fipan excelente oportunidade para novos negócios e novos clientes.
Rodrigo R.
Rodrigo R.



2. August 2019

A most important event in Brazil
FIPAN is a great oportunity of business, knowledge and development.
Kerla d.
Kerla d.



1. August 2019

Uma FIPAN que se reinventa a cada ano!
Uma excelente feira que evolui e se transforma ano após ano, fomentando significativas oportunidades para o setor e gerando insights para os profissionais da área.

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Sehen Sie, wer auf FIPAN geht

Kevin Sarungi

Kevin S.


Mag Magakala

Mag M.



elvis martial  ngakoya oumar

elvis martial n.



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Example of a booth at a tradeshow

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