Festival of Marketing 2022
4 / 5
(2 Bewertungen)Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2022 (1 Tag), United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Datum: 6. Okt. 2022 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort The Brewery, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Veranstalter Centaur Media
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 4000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 300
As the largest global event dedicated to brand marketers, the Festival reflects the very nature of marketing – seamlessly blending inspiration and practical application. With amazing headliners, 12 stages of content, insightful speakers and the Festival City brimming with ideas and solutions to your challenges, you will be part of an experience like no other.
Rezensionen und Bewertungen
Sollten Sie auf Festival of Marketing gehen? Lesen Sie verifizierte Bewertungen von Tradefest-Mitgliedern, um Ihre Entscheidung zu erleichtern.
19. April 2018
I have been quite amazed by this event. A lot of high-level professionals to network with. A few good business opportunities. Then above all, the conferences program is probably the most qualitative i...'ve ever seen so far. Mehr lesen
12. Februar 2018
I was there with my team to source a few tech-providers and learn about the latest trends in marketing. Speakers were very inspiring with deep marketing insights, actually more than I expected. I meet... good contact there as well, networking opportunities are real. I met professionals whom i'm still in contact with. We'll be back next year i guess. Mehr lesen
2 Ergebnisse • Seite 1 von 1
Sehen Sie, wer auf Festival of Marketing geht
Hortense D.
Digital Analytics Consultant at DigitasLBi
Raphaël A.
Marketing Automation
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