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FDA Recalls - Before You Start, and After You Finish

FDA Recalls - Before You Start, and After You Finish 2020

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Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020 - 9. Okt. 2020 (2 Tage), United States, United States

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Datum: von 8. Okt. 2020 bis 9. Okt. 2020 ( 2 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort Online Event , United States, United States

Veranstalter ComplianceOnline

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 15

FDA's recall authority and program launches you into a project of crisis management. You will learn how to establish a roadmap for conducting recalls. The knowledge you gain will sharpen your recall management decisions and strategy. You will learn how to use the FDA's health risk criteria so you can develop effective recall procedures. One critical aspect of recalls involves the identification of the root cause of the recall and how you could or should prevent that problem from happening again. Your corrective and preventive action program (CAPA) and quality assurance functions require a rigorous approach to prevent a chronic history of recalls. Reiterative recalls lead the FDA to the concl...usion that, "You don't get it." Your compliance competency becomes a regulatory issue for the FDA if your recall is deemed ineffective. The seminar will cover critical performance targets for conducting an effective recall. You will learn how missteps in the recall process become an expensive problem in terms of money and a sloppy corporate image. You will take away practical knowledge on how to work with FDA staff during a recall, and how you can prepare for inspectional follow up or a regulatory action, and in some cases a legal action. You will learn that your approach to recalls plays a major role in mitigating direct and indirect damage to your firm's business. A firm with a history of chronic recalls needs to learn how to get out of that downward spiral. Likewise, for established and new firms you will learn how you can reduce the negative impact of a recall with the use of proper planning. Mehr lesen

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