Farnborough International Airshow 2026
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(0 Bewertungen)Montag, 20. Juli 2026 - 24. Juli 2026 (5 Tage), United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Datum: von 20. Juli 2026 bis 24. Juli 2026 ( 5 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Farnborough Exhibition and Conference Centre, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Veranstalter Farnborough
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 80000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 1500
Farnborough International Airshow continues to remain the place where the entire aviation and aerospace industry gather to learn, network and do business. Farnborough International Airshow has established a reputation built on hosting some of the largest and most successful events in the sector and providing a platform for businesses of all sizes, from all tiers of the industry, to showcase their latest innovations. The 2020 Farnborough International Airshow will build on the 2018 edition, and continue to develop successful existing show features whilst adapting to meet the demands of an ever-changing industry.
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Youssaou A.
Pieter B.
Commercial Director
Chris v.
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