Euro-Global Climate Change Conference 2025
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(0 Bewertungen)Montag, 19. September 2022 - 20. Sept. 2022 (2 Tage), France, France
Datum: von 19. Sept. 2022 bis 20. Sept. 2022 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Golden Tulip Paris Aéroport CDG Villepinte, France, France
Veranstalter Magnus Group
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 150
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 5
We are glad to invite you to the Euro-Global Climate Change Conference 2020 which is going to commence from 18-19 September 2020 at Paris, France. The Climate Change Conferences 2020 Paris demonstrates how to assess the risks of environment and to identify the different types of causative agents that leads to climate change and global warming. It also provides an overview of various types of procedures that are used to assess the environment risk for controlling the pollution of air, land & water. Climate Change 2020 provides a plat form for exchange of novel types of technologies that reduce the emission of carbon monoxide containing gases, infertility of soil, improves the nutrient resou...rces in the soil, and recycles wastewater. The conference highlights about the advanced environmental engineering methods which safeguard our environment from the severe impacts of climate change. EGCCC 2020 conference provides an extensive information about the dangerous industrial by-products’ discharging effects to the environment and also it discusses about taking the necessary measures to minimise these impacts by using various advanced technologies. Mehr lesen
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