Datum: 6. Nov. 2018 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort MiCo Milano Congressi, Italy, Italy
Veranstalter Rising Media
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 900
The eMetrics Summit is taking place in Milan on November 6th. It promises to be a very interactive and engaging conference including 15 sessions with case studies, best practices, expert insight and strategy. There is a specific emphasis on networking at the eMetrics Summit and attendees are encouraged to share ideas with their industry peers. The eMetrics Summit’s goal is to provide ample opportunities to socialize and meet with analytics experts and relevant vendors. It will ensure that there is a very packed and worthwhile agenda at the summit. The prominence of the eMetrics Summit is added to by the quality of the companies that will be in attendance including Bing (Microsoft owne...d search engine) Salesforce (Major CRM in cloud computing) Siteground (Large webhosting company) Deepcrawl Majestic Screamingfrog Semrush Smec Bruce Clay Europe Lead Champion Digitalgo There are some excellent speakers at the event also including Andrea Albanese, Social Network & Web Marketing Advisor, Social Media & Digital Marketing Project Manager, Web Marketing Manager Gianpaolo Lorruso, Founder, ADworld Experience Jim Sterne, Chairman, Digital Analytics Association If you’re in Milan in early November be sure to attend this conference that covers a great deal of ground in the area of digital metrics. Mehr lesen
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