Datum: von 31. Mai 2025 bis 2. Juni 2025 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Eka Club, India, India
Veranstalter Aries Events Pvt Ltd
We Aries Events Pvt Ltd have established by organizing more than 10 exhibitions in a year, our exhibitions. With an expert and professional staff we are sure to deliver valuable outcomes consistently. we are widely spread into different industries with exhibitions like Paper Expo, Optic Expo, Auto Show, Med & Health Exhibition, Build Ex-Asia, Earthcon Expo, Furniture Expo, Paint Expo and many more..We draw up details plans that include the smallest elements that go into the making of the Exhibition / Event. Each of these aspects is DEFINED in terms of goals to be achieved, in terms of quality and is implemented in a SPECIFIC time frame to ensure 100% effective communication and promotion we ...are committed to putting forward all required resources. With more & quality exhibitors, more visitors From all over India, Electric Expo 2020 promises to be huge success. Mehr lesen
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