The world's brightest Artificial Intelligence Conference for Developers is back! We are super excited to meet you on October 17 and 18 at the Folies Bergère Theater, in the heart of Paris, for 2 days into the AI ecosystem in one of the most prestigious theater of Paris. Back in 2017 and 2018, the previous dotAI editions were at the forefront, exploring the nascent power of AI and its potential applications. Attendees had the opportunity to glimpse the future, witnessing the early stages of AI's impact on technical projects. Join us on October 17 and 18, 2024, for 2 fantastic days to explore how AI has become an indispensable force, driving innovation, shaping tech, and revolutionizing ...the way we live and work. dotAI comes along with dotPy on October 16. You can book a combo-ticket if you want to attend both conferences and get the most out of Python and AI ecosystems!Mehr lesen
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Anne-Sophie N.
Head of event chez dotConferences
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