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Designing New and Existing Product Stability Testing Program

Designing New and Existing Product Stability Testing Program 2021

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Montag, 14. Juni 2021 - 15. Juni 2021  (2 Tage), United StatesUnited States

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Datum: von 14. Juni 2021 bis 15. Juni 2021 ( 2 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort online eventUnited StatesUnited States

Veranstalter ComplianceOnline

Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 1

Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 1

New or existing modified drug Stability Testing Program's regulations/requirements stipulated by the FDA, 21 CFR or other regulations may sometimes creating an overwhelming situation based on the type of product that is being manufactured. Hence, some manufacturers of new drug products have made inadvertent mistakes in the design of their new drug stability testing program. Such mistakes may ultimately delay the new, existing or modified product IND or NDA application process due to the data that was presented to the FDA (i.e. Relevant aspects of the stability testing program requirement may have been omitted by the drug manufacturers). It is better to understand, follow and apply the full r...equirements of a new product stability testing requirement from the onset or to correct an existing stability testing program so as to avoid future pitfalls and delayed IND or NDA submission process by the FDA. Having produced a new or existing product, knowing the appropriate way to design and perform the stability testing of the new product which is a prerequisite for setting the product's expiration date and possible extension of the expiration date is critical. Some drug product manufacturers have made mistakes in the past whereby a new product that was manufactured appropriately did not have a good stability testing plan or program hence it delayed the product's ability to have an approved IND or NDA submission. A mistake of this sort has also been made by drug manufactures that resulted in a 483 or Warning letter by the FDA. Knowing how to approach the design of a new product stability program at the onset of the new product design or during an existing product testing is important and will save a company time and cost in moving the product to the next phase. Mehr lesen


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