Compounding World Asia 2026
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 15. März 2022 - 16. März 2022 (2 Tage), Thailand, Thailand
Datum: von 15. März 2022 bis 16. März 2022 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Banyan Tree Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
Veranstalter AMI
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 100
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 20
AMI and Compounding World magazine are pleased to announce the 5th edition of their Compounding World Asia conference which will take place on 25 - 26 September 2019 at the Banyan Tree Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The event will provide a lively and productive meeting place for thermoplastics compounders from throughout Asia and beyond. The programme will include expert speakers discussing the latest developments in polymers, additives and compounding technology for optimising material properties and production efficiency. The programme will also cover business strategies and global market trends. In between the high-level conference sessions, there will be ample opportunities for networkin...g in the exhibition area. Mehr lesen
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Andrés M.
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