Datum: von 28. Mai 2024 bis 30. Mai 2024 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort ICC Sydney, Australia, Australia
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 8000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 300
Returning to Sydney in May 2024, ARBS is an event not to be missed for anyone working in the HVAC&R and building services industries. Since 1998, ARBS has provided the most comprehensive range of HVAC&R and building services products and solutions in one location, allowing the entire industry to connect across the three days. ARBS 2024 will once again host over 300 exhibitors, more than 8,000 visitors and the renowned ARBS Industry Awards and a comprehensive seminar program. Discover an outstanding line up of major national, international and multi-national exhibitors displaying their very latest products and services. Consolidate your supplier contacts, network with industry colleagues, an...d keep up with all the latest technology and news. Entry to ARBS is FREE to the HVAC&R & building services & related Architectural, Engineering & Construction (AEC) industry trade visitors. For further information visit www.arbs.com.au Mehr lesen
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