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Anuga 2025

3.8 / 5

(8 Bewertungen)

Samstag, 4. Oktober 2025 - 8. Okt. 2025  (5 Tage), GermanyGermany

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Datum: von 4. Okt. 2025 bis 8. Okt. 2025 ( 5 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort KoelnmesseGermanyGermany

Veranstalter Koelnmesse

Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 165000

Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 7500

Anuga is a leading global trade fair for the food and beverage industry. It gathers around 165,000 visitors which makes it the largest food show in the world. It's a very diverse trading place with both big and small players, both national and international. It adresses manufacturers, importers and wholesalers and more than 7,000 of them are exhibiting there every year. Moreover, Anuga is great event in terms of conferences with thought-leading speakers.


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David S.
David S.



31. Oktober 2019

Exhibitor Comments of Anuga
Anuga was well attended however as an exhibitor the quality of the attendees in some cases was not optimal. In addition I noticed that a lack of attendees from North and South America was an issue esp...ecially as we are trying to expand into new areas outside of Europe.Mehr lesen
Example of a booth at a tradeshow

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Lina O.
Lina O.



24. Oktober 2019

Had a great first experience
I highly recommend this event for all attendees who want to discover a lot of food companies and be aware of new products and technologies.
Ali Ekber Y.
Ali Ekber Y.



19. Oktober 2019

My impressions of Anuga 2019
As a journalist writing about agriculture, I was very impressed with Anuga. I wrote some news and articles about Anuga. Published in Turkish. He saw a lot of interest in Turkey. I share the links of t...he articles. Thank you so much.ıs30Mehr lesen
Tim S.
Tim S.



17. Oktober 2019

Don’t be deterred by the line ups
Well if the 27hr flight, 1-5 hr daily commute to The show and a further 30 min line up was a deterrent It did not phase me. On my first visit to Anuga I can say it was the best show that I have been t...o globally in 2 years. I must admit to spending a lot of time in the Nordic region!! But I loved the breadth of products and energy and focus of brand owners eager to tell you there story. For a business like mine that introduces aspiring brands to new markets in Asia Pacific it was like being a kids in a candy store. I wrote up my top ten observations from the show of you are interested follow the link . Https:// lesen
Helge C.
Helge C.



17. Oktober 2019

A „must“ that you can actually enjoy
If you want to have the definitive overview what’s going on in food and nutrition, you have to be at anuga. The incorporation of startups and future protein/ future food companies was a big plus as we...ll.Mehr lesen
Eddie G.
Eddie G.



16. Oktober 2019

Pinnacle of F&B shows
Constantly leading the way in providing opportunities to meet prospects in a hospitable environment.
Hamza  B.
Hamza B.



16. Oktober 2019

Anuga Exhibitor review
It was a pleasure to participate in such event, the worldwide largest agribusiness Forum in Köln. I seen a lot of people from all countries who share with me their experiences, business and hopes. As... an exhibitor, Anuga opens me new ways for reflection and decisions. It is the good place for seeing the huge development of food industry and to make new relations everywhere.Mehr lesen
Bart Jan S.
Bart Jan S.



15. Oktober 2019

Good fair, the trend areas were great!
Good place for efficiënt way of seeing the food industry

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mostafa zouil

mostafa z.



Mamadou Ba

Mamadou B.



Djamel  Yazi

Djamel Y.

Administrateur réseau informatique


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